How To Clean Your BBQ Like A Pro

How To Clean The Outside Of Your BBQ 

At the first hint of spring everyone is so excited to hit the deli for fresh steaks or hamburger patties, but before you plan for the first feast of spring you need to make sure your BBQ is clean and safe from dirt, old food and any harmful chemicals or molds. 

You can use a solution of water mixed with dishwashing detergent to wipe down the outside surfaces, removing all grease and dirt. A sponge or rag will work perfect for this job. 

When clean, wipe down the entire exterior with a clean and damp rag. Allow the grill to dry in the open air so it won't cause any rusting. 


Cleaning the Grates with Salt


Cast iron grates are easier to clean than you might think, you may know this from having a cast iron frying pan. My favorite potion is to make a paste like substance with koshure salt and dish soap, I slather this over the grates and then add some water to my scrub brush and cover the entire grate, I then let it sit for a few minutes and bring in my wire brush. The debris should come off easily. 

You can also leave your grates in a tub of soap-koshure salt water, make sure they are dried really well when clean.  

Cast Iron Grates Need To Be Seasoned 

When you have cleaned and dried your grill you need to do what is called 

"seasoning" of the grill. 

Apply a liberal amount of vegetable-based cooking oil to a paper towel or clean rag, rub it all over the cooking grate. All the surfaces should be shiny from the oil. Let it sit for a minute and give it another once over to make sure the oil has absorbed into the metal.

Fire up your grill to a medium-high temperature with the grates on. Close the hood. When the grill starts to produce smoke, lower the temperature, and open the hood. Continue to heat the grates until they stop producing smoke.

Let the grill cool off and it’s seasoned and ready for the upcoming BBQ Season. 



Written for City Furniture & Appliances by Laurie Turmel

BbqBlogsCast iron grateClean bbq grates